Spiritual care for me is a process of journeying with another, while holding the understanding that:
1) each person arrives whole and does not require fixing
2) That it is an honour to journey with someone on their path and that it takes courage to share one's path
3) That any wisdom I could offer pales in comparison to the wisdom we can tap into within ourselves. The witnessing of this unfolding powerful.
4) That presence, listening and witnessing another's story is in essence a transformative act.
Seeking a Spiritual Companion- Wanted Ad: Mel Horvath-Lucid
Will you meet me in the stillness, if I be brave enough to go?
Will you meet me in the mess of it, and love me still the same?
Will your eyes be wide or many enough to see the all I am?
Will you think of me as more or less, if I was brave to let you in?
Will you walk me when the plans are unsure, and when I cannot see?
Will you sit with me, while I sort things out, and do so with curiosity?
Will you know that I am capable of holding what is mine?
Will you give me time to hold it, that I can mold and transform it into wisdom I can receive?
Will you walk with me in the river, until I find my source?
Will you walk with me and listen, with heart of wonder and curiosity?
Will you know that I am afraid, but that you bring awareness I am not alone?
Will you know that I am strong enough to walk my journey home?
Will you?
I will be with you, while you reflect on your experiences
I will be present with a heart of loving kindness, bursting full of wonder
I will ask powerful and reflective questions with curiosity and an open mind
I will affirm you have wisdom and capabilities to do the work that is yours to do
I will affirm that you are whole, and that you don’t require fixing
I will see you with eyes that soulfully know, the “all” that is in us, and from this place offer compassion and connection
I will see where I end and you begin, that you have space to hold what is yours
I will walk with you in the river, until you find your source
And beautiful soul, I will delight in your unfolding, like watching a flower bloom in the warm spring sun and the misting of the rain.